Here's What You Need To Know About ESG Funds

Here's What You Need To Know About ESG Funds zoom-icon

ESG stands for Environmental, Social, and Governance. The bulk of this fund's portfolio consists of shares and bonds from companies assessed for their environmental, social, and governance practices. By opting for such investments, you actively promote sustainable growth and responsible business conduct.
Breaking down ESG 

Environmental (E): The 'E' focuses on a company's environmental impact, including carbon emissions, waste disposal practices, and the use of eco-friendly energy sources.

Social (S): The 'S' examines how a company treats its workforce and contributes to society, considering gender parity, welfare systems, and social causes.

Governance (G): The 'G' assesses corporate governance, looking at regulatory compliance, whistle-blower policies, and grievance redressals. 

ESG funds prioritize investing in companies that excel in these areas and avoid those with poor records. ESG Mutual Funds use ESG ratings to assess a company's environmental,

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